Monday, November 10, 2014

Shadows, Chelsea Lecture Theatre

The Evening Lecture

Usually, during lectures I sit in the middle, right in front of the screen. But this time I relocated myself into the left side of the lecture theatre. I have discovered that there is a big difference between sitting on the front row and on the left side in the middle. Fist of all, the lecture room looks different, it looks bigger and more spacious. On the from row I would pay a lot of attention on the screen, but on the left side, I have discovered that I payed more attention on a lecturer. As you can see on a sketch, the lecturer's table sits in a corner, facing the left side of the room, so the lecturer is prone to give more attention to the audience in the left row. (In black are the area that the lecturer usually see) Just by changing my position in the space the monologue, somehow turned into a dialogue, and the images on the screen partly lost their importance.

Because I saw the lecture from the other angle, I discovered a fascinating shadow on a wall that I have not noticed before. The shadow distorted the girl's silhouette. Her hands seemed to be massively enlarged. The lecturer used her hands a lot during the presentation, she drew with hands on the air, showed shapes and expressed her emotions. I love the effect of enlarged hands, in a tactile world of future Design Museum, i can definitely see it in use.

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